Drawing Ink – Yellow – Gold Star


Drawing Ink – Yellow – Gold Star

Gold Star Yellow Drawing Ink are formulated from a series of soluble dyes in a superior shellac solution. These inks can be applied with brush, dip pen or airbrush and are widely used by designers, calligraphers and artists as well as illustrators.

All colors in the Winsor & Newton line of Drawing Inks are fully intermixable and they are easily diluted (with distilled water). Fast drying and water resistant, they have excellent adhesion on most surfaces.

Drawing Ink – Yellow – Gold Star

Gold Star Yellow Drawing Ink are formulated from a series of soluble dyes in a superior shellac solution. These inks can be applied with brush, dip pen or airbrush and are widely used by designers, calligraphers and artists as well as illustrators.

All colors in the Winsor & Newton line of Drawing Inks are fully intermixable and they are easily diluted (with distilled water). Fast drying and water resistant, they have excellent adhesion on most surfaces.