Visiting Card Dabbi Pocket Golden


Visiting Card Dabbi Pocket Golden

This personalized gold plated business card holder with beveled edges is the way to make a great professional impression that will get you treading in the path of success. It’s very slim and light in weight to make it a perfect pocket addition.

The business card holder perfectly fits a wide range of pocket sizes and won’t introduce any form of discomfort in your pocket. The gold plating gives it a chic look that’s presentable in front of business partners. 

Visiting Card Dabbi Pocket Golden

This personalized gold plated business card holder with beveled edges is the way to make a great professional impression that will get you treading in the path of success. It’s very slim and light in weight to make it a perfect pocket addition.

The business card holder perfectly fits a wide range of pocket sizes and won’t introduce any form of discomfort in your pocket. The gold plating gives it a chic look that’s presentable in front of business partners.