Glass Beads No-95


Glass Beads No-95

95 spherical crystal beads are very colorful beads. These crystal beads look so magnificent in their shape and appearance that these add beauty to any product; they are placed in.

Glass beads are small, decorative objects that are made up of glass and can be used as an embellishment on garments and various jewelry pieces. Most glass beads are pressed glass beads and it is prepared by melting it into a desired shape and size.

Glass Beads No-95

95 spherical crystal beads are very colorful beads. These crystal beads look so magnificent in their shape and appearance that these add beauty to any product; they are placed in.

Glass beads are small, decorative objects that are made up of glass and can be used as an embellishment on garments and various jewelry pieces. Most glass beads are pressed glass beads and it is prepared by melting it into a desired shape and size.
