Fancy Khatati Qalam


Fancy Khatati Qalam

Khatati Qalam date back to the ancient Egyptians, and were made by cutting and shaping a single reed of bamboo. They were also said to have been the most common writing tool when the New Testament of the Bible was written. Even now, bamboo reed pens remain an important tool in calligraphy, as they are known to produce scratchy and expressive lines. Provides the best quality Fancy Khatati Qalam made with high-quality materials.

Fancy Khatati Qalam

Khatati Qalam date back to the ancient Egyptians, and were made by cutting and shaping a single reed of bamboo. They were also said to have been the most common writing tool when the New Testament of the Bible was written. Even now, bamboo reed pens remain an important tool in calligraphy, as they are known to produce scratchy and expressive lines. Provides the best quality Fancy Khatati Qalam made with high-quality materials.