Craft Punch Kit Large


Craft Punch Kit Large

  • Spring-action levermakes the punch easier and more comfortable to use and gentle your hands.
  • Create stencil shapes, die-cuts, and templates for all ofcrafting.
  • Can be used with other nesting punches to create perfectly graduating layers, Punches cleanly every time for consistently great designs.
  • Material:ABS+Alloy
  • Craft punch Large Size
  • Ergonomic handle, fast and easy to punch out shapes.
  • We offer a variety of shapes such as star, leaf, circle, flower, leaf, tulip.
  • Good for regular paper, EVA foam, foil, craft paper…etc.

Craft Punch Kit Large

  • Spring-action levermakes the punch easier and more comfortable to use and gentle your hands.
  • Create stencil shapes, die-cuts, and templates for all ofcrafting.
  • Can be used with other nesting punches to create perfectly graduating layers, Punches cleanly every time for consistently great designs.
  • Material:ABS+Alloy
  • Craft punch Large Size
  • Ergonomic handle, fast and easy to punch out shapes.
  • We offer a variety of shapes such as star, leaf, circle, flower, leaf, tulip.
  • Good for regular paper, EVA foam, foil, craft paper…etc.