Canvas Board 6”X6”


Canvas Board 6”x6”

Made from natural cotton with medium texture, these canvases for painting process higher tinting strength and excellent touching sense. The cotton surface of the painting canvas doesn’t shrink and is stable in every dimension. Cotton canvas holds paints well and keeps the paints with their natural tones and glossiness.

Standard size for easy framing and hanging on the wall. Wood structures with mortise and tenon connection ensures the frames firm and sturdy. Canvases are stretched tightly onto the bars and back stapled to create clean edges. Without deformation, they are tough enough for impasto and acrylic pouring.

Canvas Board 6”x6”

Made from natural cotton with medium texture, these canvases for painting process higher tinting strength and excellent touching sense. The cotton surface of the painting canvas doesn’t shrink and is stable in every dimension. Cotton canvas holds paints well and keeps the paints with their natural tones and glossiness.

Standard size for easy framing and hanging on the wall. Wood structures with mortise and tenon connection ensures the frames firm and sturdy. Canvases are stretched tightly onto the bars and back stapled to create clean edges. Without deformation, they are tough enough for impasto and acrylic pouring.
