Baby Chair Classic No.3


Baby Chair Classic No.3

A Baby Chair Classic is raised from the ground, allowing a baby to be at the same level as grownups sitting around a table. Also called a high chair due to this fact. It usually has a wider base to aid in the overall stability, babies can be rowdy at times and if it isn’t stable the baby chair could keel over. Better quality baby chairs have straps to keep the baby somewhat contained.

I personally love this idea of placing the baby’s meal on his high chair in front of him and let him do the feeding himself.

Baby Chair Classic No.3

A Baby Chair Classic is raised from the ground, allowing a baby to be at the same level as grownups sitting around a table. Also called a high chair due to this fact. It usually has a wider base to aid in the overall stability, babies can be rowdy at times and if it isn’t stable the baby chair could keel over. Better quality baby chairs have straps to keep the baby somewhat contained.

I personally love this idea of placing the baby’s meal on his high chair in front of him and let him do the feeding himself.
