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  • css’22 mcqs Based Preliminary Test (MPT)


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  • Current Affairs Quarterly Journal With MCQs – Book 18 JWT


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  • Current Affairs Quarterly Journal With MCQs – Book 18 JWT


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  • Current Affairs Supplement for MPT 2022


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  • Current Affairs Supplements for CSS 2021 – Jahangir World Times


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    All You Need to Know About
    Current Affairs Supplements + GK Questions for CSS 2021 – Jahangir World Times
    QJ Special Issue

    QJ delivers expert analyses on the twists and turns of Current Affairs, International Relations, Foreign Policy, Global Economy, Environment, Education and opinions with in -depth commentary on the Social Issues shaping the future of the world with a wit and edge that is solely lacking in other journals.

    World Affairs
    National Affairs
    Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations
    Climate Change
    China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
    Nuclear Issues
    Exclusive Essays & much more

  • Current ESSAYS For CSS, PMS/PCS


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  • Dangerous Games: Australia at the 1936 Nazi Olympics by Larry Writer


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    ‘Larry Writer has delivered a gem in Dangerous Games’ – Roland Perry, author of Bill the Bastard

    ‘Writer has faithfully recreated the 1936 Olympics – the most controversial in history… Hitler, the host, represented the darkest evil…those Australians, the purest innocence.’ – Harry Gordon, author of Australia and the Olympic Games

    This is a tale of innocents abroad. Thirty-three athletes left Australia in May 1936 to compete in the Hitler Olympics in Berlin. Believing sporting competition was the best antidote to tyranny, they put their qualms on hold. Anything to be part of the greatest show on earth.

    Dangerous Games drops us into a front row seat at the 100,000-capacity Olympic stadium to witness some of the finest sporting performances of all time – most famously the African American runner Jesse Owens, who eclipsed the best athletes the Nazis could pit against him in every event he entered. The Australians, with their antiquated training regimes and amateur ethos, valiantly confronted the intensely focused athletes of Germany, the United States and Japan. Behind the scenes was cut-throat wheeling and dealing, defiance of Hitler, and warm friendships among athletes.

  • Dare Not Linger: The Presidential Years by Nelson Mandela


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    “I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended.”

    In 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first president of democratic South Africa. Five years later, he stood down. In that time, he and his government wrought the most extraordinary transformation, turning a nation riven by centuries of colonialism and apartheid into a fully functioning democracy in which all South Africa’s citizens, black and white, were equal before the law. Dare Not Linger is the story of Mandela’s presidency, drawing heavily on the memoir he began to write as he prepared to finish his term as president, but was unable to finish. Now the acclaimed South African author Mandla Langa has completed the task using Mandela’s unfinished draft, detailed notes that Mandela made as events were unfolding, and a wealth of previously unseen archival material. The result is a vivid and inspirational account of Mandela’s presidency: years during which he overcame the challenges of transition and made a reality of his cherished vision for a liberated South Africa.

  • Darjeeling: A History of the World’s Greatest Tea by Jeff Koehler


    Darjeeling’s tea bushes stretch across a picturesque landscape steeped in religious, sacred and mythical history. Planted at high elevation in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas, in an area of northern India bound by Nepal to the west, Bhutan to the east and Sikkim to the north, the rows of brilliant green, waist-high shrubs that coat the steep slopes and valleys around this Victorian ‘hill town’ produce only a fraction of the world’s tea, and less tan one per cent of India’s total. Yet the tea from this limited crop, with its characteristic bright, amber- coloured brew and muscatel flavours – delicate and flowery, with hints of apricots and peaches – is generally considered the best in the world.

    This is the story of how Darjeeling developed its prodigious tea industry under Imperial British rule. It is a fascinating portrait of the region from the days of the Raj to the ‘voodoo farmers’ of the present day, who achieve world-record prices for their fine teas, all set against the backdrop of the looming Himalayas and drenching monsoons.

    It is a story rich in intrigue, full of adventurers and unlikely successes in culture and religion, ecology and terroir, and one that began with one of the most audacious acts of corporate smuggling in history.

    It is also the tale of how the industry had spiralled into decline by the end of the twentieth century, and how this paradisiacal spot in the high Himalayas now seethes with union unrest and a violent struggle for independent statehood. It is on the front line against the devastating effects of climate change and decades of harmful farming practices, a war that is being fought using radical methods.

  • Darjeeling: The Colorful History and Precarious Fate of the World’s Greatest Tea by Jeff Koehler


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    Darjeeling’s tea bushes run across a mythical Indian landscape steeped in the religious, the sacred, and the picturesque. Planted among eighty-seven tea estates at high elevation in the heart of the eastern Himalayas, the linear rows of brilliant green waist-high shrubs that coat the steep slopes and valleys produce less than 1 percent of India’s tea. Yet with its bright color and muscatel flavor, Darjeeling is generally considered the finest tea in the world.

    Built from scratch, India’s tea industry grew to be the largest on the globe and came to symbolize British imperial rule in India. The jewel of its production was, and remains, Darjeeling, and its story is rich in people, intrigue, and terroir. It includes Robert Fortune, whose mid-nineteenth-century smuggling of tea plants and expertise from China brought the British East India Company the quality tea it sought; the charismatic and controversial Rajah Banerjee, whose family owned the iconic Makaibari plantation for 150 years; the tea pluckers who underpin the industry; and the lone auctioneer who bangs down his hammer oversees the sale more than half of Darjeeling’s entire crop. But it is also the story of how this Edenic spot in the Himalayan foothills is beset by labor and political unrest and alarming climate change that threaten its future.

    With passion and perception, Koehler illuminates a historic and arcane world, such that an ordinary tea bag and the cup enjoyed by tens of millions each day take on entirely new meanings.

  • Democracy and Islam in History by Dr Sm Zafar


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  • Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger


    A brilliant, sweeping history of diplomacy that includes personal stories from the noted former Secretary of State, including his stunning reopening of relations with China.

    The seminal work on foreign policy and the art of diplomacy.

    Moving from a sweeping overview of history to blow-by-blow accounts of his negotiations with world leaders, Henry Kissinger describes how the art of diplomacy has created the world in which we live, and how America’s approach to foreign affairs has always differed vastly from that of other nations.

    Brilliant, controversial, and profoundly incisive, Diplomacystands as the culmination of a lifetime of diplomatic service and scholarship. It is vital reading for anyone concerned with the forces that have shaped our world today and will impact upon it tomorrow.

  • Discovering The World of English With Grammar, Composition & Essays, Translations By JWT



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    We feel pleasure in announcing th‘e publication of the latest and revised edition of Discovering the World of English Grammar 6’ Composition. The book includes modern English comprehension and grammar structure invoking innovation with examples in a simple and lucid style.’ The latest edition is unique as it explains basics of grammar and comprehension in an easy to read and digestible form. This book is intended to provide the students and those appearing in the CSS, PMS and competitive examinations with the necessary material for a course of training in writing in English. Its chapters are devised by keeping in view the needs of competitive exams. The grammar portion thoroughly deals with the parts of speech, tenses, direct and indirect and active voice with exhaustive exercises. Its vocabulary portion induces several devices to improve a student’s vocabulary; pair of words, one-word substitution, synonyms, antonyms and other techniques are frequently employed to unravel the niceties and intricacies of intellectual exercises. A comprehensive effort has been made to present the material in logical order. Letters, essays, amplifications, short pieces of composition and correspondence techniques are introduced in a highly effective manner. The purpose of writing this book is of course to bring out a new book amon the heaps already churned out with specific frame of mind. This book is a compluete guide written with the sole purpose — to import t ation at the CSS,/Pix/15 level. It is certainly valuable, especially for thos interested in improving their English grammar. The credit of writing this book goes to those who helped us and extended valuable suggestions on the material and contents. Test Prep. Experts

  • Discovering The World Of Idioms and Phrases Jahangir WorldTimes (Revised and Updated Edition)



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    Title: Discovering The World of Idioms & Phrases
    Author: JWT
    Pages: 274
    Publisher: JWT Publication
    Subject: English Precis & Composition

  • Discovering The World of Vocabulary (CSS/PMS) By Adeel Niaz JWT



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    “Men suppose their reason has command over their words; still it happens that words in return exercise authority on reason.”
    -Francis Bacon

    Thoughts remain cluttered until expressed in some form of language. We have to write, speak or act our thoughts; otherwise they will remain obscure, befuddled and in a half-torpid form. Our feelings must come out to others or they will be as clouds, which, till they descend in rain, will never bring up fruit or flower. So, it’s all about the inward feelings; expression gives them development, thought is the blossom; language the sprout and action the fruit of it. In addition to your physical appearance and the way you carry yourself, others will appraise you exclusively on the basis of the words that come out of your mouth. Even if you are considered a genius in any field, a poor vocabulary will send across a message that you are not savvy or very intelligent. This is the age of competition. In today’s world, if one is to enter into the auspicious professional world and make a promising and illustrious career, an extensive knowledge of the exact meanings of English words is imperative.
