Showing 226–240 of 245 results

  • To The Point Environmental Science By Jahangir world times publications



    buy to the point environmental science online

    • ook Name: To The Point Environmental Science
    • Book Author:
    • Book Publisher: Jahangir world times publications
    • Edition: New
    • Format: Paperback
    • Language: English
    • Category: Test Book
    • Book Code: 2214
    • Book Quality: Paperback
  • To The Point History of Pakistan & India



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  • To The Point History of USA (CSS/PMS) By Umair Khan JWT



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  • To The Point Islamic History & Culture By Zahid Ashraf JWT



    The purpose of this book is to give deep insight regarding the subject of Islamic History and Culture and this will help the students in preparing this subject. Students are usually baffled about opting for this subject due to its long course but in fact it has a precise and to the point syllabus. It has been scoring for the last many years and helps student get top position in the competitive exams. I did my best effort to provide quotations and exact dates of the past events. Given chapters in this book will hopefully cover the competitive exams syllabus and the myth of having long syllabus will be addressed if students prepare these questions. Besides, the book has been updated as per the changed syllabus of CSS-2015. And the last important thing is that there are expected MCQs in the end. Besides, chronology of the important events will update the candidates about the major events and help solve the objective papers. I am also thankful to my wife and other family members who extended their complete  cooperation in the completion of this project. I extend my gratitude and acknowledgement to those articles and websites which helped me  in this book.

  • To the Point Pakistan Affairs (CSS/PMS) –By Iqra Riaz-Ud-Din Jahangir World Times



    The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) has recently introduced substantial Changes to syllabi for CSS exam 2019, and onwards. Like that of all other subjects, the syllabus or Pakistan Affairs has also changed and now a major part of it has been dedicated to Current Affairs of Pakistan. This has put CSS aspirants in a quandary as to how and from where to Prepare for this crucial paper. So keeping in view the needs of the aspirants, Jahangir group of Publications has published this book entitled “To the Point Pakistan Affairs”.

    The book has been designed and written to meet the expanding requirements of the aspirants. We have worked really hard to bring this volume as early as we could for the greater benefit of the aspirants. Actually, when such sudden, yet substantial, changes are introduced to the syllabus, generally such books are published hurriedly that sometimes miss many important topics or these ‘quick’ editions are replete with errors. Unlike most books in the market, ample time has been given to make this book highly informative and student-friendly and a special care has been given to make it simple, easy and error free. Moreover, a special effort has been made to make the contents of the book relevant, authentic, up-to-date and to-the-point.This book is also immensely useful for various other competitive examinations conducted by federal and provincial public service commissions. Although extreme care has been taken to make this book error-free, if you find any mistake, please let us know. All constructive comments, suggestions from the readers to improve the book will be highly welcomed.

  • Top 20 Question Gender Studies by Muhammad Ahmad for css


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  • Top 20 Question Series Current Affairs For CSS,PMS



    current affairs book online shopping

    Title: Top 20 Questions Series Current Affairs
    Author: Sajjad Haidar
    Publisher: JWT Publication
    Subject: Current Affairs

  • Top 20 Questions Pakistan Affairs By Iqra Riaz Ud Din JWT



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  • Top 30 Essays By Zahid Ashraf JWT



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    CSS candidates are required to produce essays in accordance with certain expectations of the paper setter which are mentioned on top of the essay question paper. Essays contained in this book help you to come up to the expectations of the examiner to get highest possible marks. To start with, one of his requirements is “exposition” which means that you should try to reveal and discuss maximum relevant aspects of the topic. A half-hearted and sketchy dealing of some of its imperatives will not serve the purpose. Then comes his demand concerning “argumentation” i.e. whenever you make a point do not forget to establish its identity by to uphold or discard it by genuine and forceful arguments. Further wherever you raise a question or come across a controversial situation do have a few arguments for and against the proposition. While doing so give your own point of view as well. Discuss alternatives with arguments to sift right from the wrong or accept the right and reject the wrong. Next comes “description” which implies giving a vivid account of the situation under discussion. It demands presentation of all relevant details clearly and convincingly. Description is followed by “Narration” which means moving ahead vigorously. Candidates who are short of ideas often indulge in tail-spinning, beating about the bush, or moving in circles just to fill up as many pages of the answer book as possible. Narrative demands smooth and logical flow of ideas, moving from one thought to the next effortlessly. A stuck up expression results in loss of interest and lands the reader in a state of drudgery.

  • Town Planning & Urban Management (CSS)



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  • Understanding Political Science By Ahmed Ali Naqvi & Iqra Jalal JWT


    3 reviews for Understanding Political Science By Ahmed Ali Naqvi & Iqra Jalal JWT

      1. 5 out of 5

        April 28, 2020

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      1. 5 out of 5

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          • admin
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      1. 5 out of 5

        August 20, 2020

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          • admin
            August 20, 2020

            yes 🙂

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  • Usborne Junior illustrated grammar and punctuation Author:Jane Bingham


    An easy-to-use guide to grammar and punctuation with sections on nouns, pronouns, verbs, apostrophes, quotation marks and more. Clear explanations, fun illustrations and lively example sentences will help children develop their writing style and skills and there are short quizzes to test their knowledge. A useful reference book for home and school.

  • V for Violet by Alison Rattle


    v for violet

    Battersea, 1961. London is just beginning to enter the swinging sixties. The world is changing – but not for sixteen-year-old Violet. She was born at the exact moment Winston Churchill announced Victory in Europe – an auspicious start, but now she’s just stuck in her family’s fish and chip shop dreaming of greatness. And it doesn’t look like fame and fortune are going to come calling anytime soon. Then she meets Beau. Beau’s a rocker – a motorcycle boy who arrives in an explosion of passion and rebellion. He blows up Violet’s grey little life, and she can’t believe her luck. But things don’t go her way for long. Joseph, her long-lost brother, comes home. Then young girls start going missing, and turning up murdered. And then Violet’s best friend disappears too. Suddenly life is horrifyingly much more interesting. Violet can’t believe its coincidence that Joseph turns up just as girls start getting murdered. He’s weird, and she feels sure he’s hiding something. He’s got a secret, and Violet’s got a dreadful feeling it might be the worst kind of secret of all…

  • Victory at Villers-Bretonneux by Peter FitzSimons


    victory at villers bretonneux book

    It’s early 1918, and after four brutal years, the fate of the Great War hangs in the balance.

    On the one hand, the fact that Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks have seized power in Russia – immediately suing for peace with Germany – means that no fewer than one million of the Kaiser’s soldiers can now be transferred from there to the Western Front.

    On the other, now that America has entered the war, it means that two million American soldiers are also on their way, to tip the scales of war to the Allies.

    The Germans, realising that their only hope is striking at the Allied lines first, do exactly that, and on the morning of 21 March 1918, the Kaiserschlacht, the Kaiser’s battle, is launched – the biggest set-piece battle the world has ever seen.

    Across a 45-mile front, no fewer than two million German soldiers hurl themselves at the Allied lines, with the specific intention of splitting the British and French forces, and driving all the way through to the town of Villers-Bretonneux, at which point their artillery will be able to rain down shells on the key train-hub town of Amiens, thus throttling the Allied supply lines.

    For nigh on two weeks, the plan works brilliantly, and the Germans are able to advance without check, as the exhausted British troops flee before them, together with tens of thousands of French refugees.

    In desperation, the British commander, General Douglas Haig, calls upon the Australian soldiers to stop the German advance, and save Villers-Bretonneux. If the Australians can hold this, the very gate to Amiens, then the Germans will not win the war.

    ‘It’s up to us, then,’ one of the Diggers writes in his diary. Arriving at Villers-Bretonneux just in time, the Australians are indeed able to hold off the Germans, launching a vicious counterattack that hurls the Germans back the first time. And then, on Anzac Day 1918, when the town falls after all to the British defenders, it is again the Australians who are called on to save the day, the town, and the entire battle.

    Not for nothing does the primary school at Villers-Bretonneux have above every blackboard, to this day, ‘N’oublions jamais, l’Australie.’ Never forget Australia.

  • Where Power Stops: The Making and Unmaking of Presidents and Prime Ministers by David Runciman


    where power stops

    Lyndon Baines Johnson, Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, Theresa May, and Donald Trump: each had different motivations, methods, and paths, but they all sought the highest office. And yet when they reached their goal, they often found that the power they had imagined was illusory. Their sweeping visions of reform faltered. They faced bureaucratic obstructions, but often the biggest obstruction was their own character.

    However, their personalities could help them as much as hurt them. Arguably the most successful of them, LBJ showed little indication that he supported what he is best known for – the Civil Rights Act – but his grit, resolve, and brute political skill saw him bend Congress to his will.

    David Runciman tackles the limitations of high office and how the personal histories of those who achieved the very pinnacles of power helped to define their successes and failures in office. These portraits show what characters are most effective in these offices. Could this be a blueprint for good and effective leadership in an age lacking good leaders?
